Build a truly strong foundation

Salvation Army's Lieutenant Laura Van Schaick talks about a strong foundation with God

I recently heard a story of a man who was planning on building a few new cabins on a well-established camp site in Saskatchewan.  The cabins were ordered pre-built and so the man simply needed to ensure that the foundations were laid properly in preparation for the arrival of the new buildings.  He hired a professional to come and survey the land to determine which foundation was needed, hoping a mere do-it-yourself concrete slab would suffice.

When the professional arrived, he took stock of the land he was working with.   It was fairly level and bare, and at first glance looked like an ideal location for the cabins to go with little foundational prep.  However, as he knelt down to test the composition of the soil, he noticed that the ground was covered with sand.  After inquiring as to how deep the sand went, he concluded that in order for the cabins to be safe a foundation would need to be poured with support posts 18 feet deep – definitely more than the man had in mind!

Sometimes life is like that too.  We think that we can make surface level changes and be rewarded with dramatic results.  Likewise, we often think we can give just that which is skin-deep to God and expect a dramatic heart-change.  However, just as pouring 18 foot supports is sometimes necessary to get effective results when laying a foundation, we too need to dig deep and be willing to offer our entire lives to God.

When we place all of our hopes, dreams, and trust in God’s hands, a truly strong foundation can be laid for a wonderful relationship with Him.

Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you.  Psalm 37:5 NLT.

Lieutenant Laura Van Schaick is an officer with the Salvation Army in Quesnel.

Quesnel Cariboo Observer