Bullying in schools not restricted to students

Staff suffering similar scenarios

Dear editor,

After reading Scott Montgomery’s letter re. workplace bullying in our schools (School trustees refuse to address bullying and morale, Jan. 27), I have had first hand experience and agree that something needs to be done. It would appear that the school district anti-bullying policy does not apply to staff.

The last five years of my employment as support staff was extremely stressful and our school suffered including staff, students, parents and even the community at large. Something changed administratively and staff were being disciplined for ridiculous reasons or sometimes, no reasons at all. Students were now allowed to verbally assault staff with no consequences and even the union accepted this as “normal”.

Only physical assaults or serious threats were considered worthy of pursuing. Long story short – after 24 years of virtually not taking a sick day, I found it necessary to go on medical leave and then had to quit to maintain what was left of my mental health. Threats, intimidation, name calling, changes to assignment, distrust and asking staff to report on one another appear to be tools now in the hands of the human resources department.

The real losers in this abuse of power are the students and society… our future looks grim!



Edina Johnston

Denman Island


Comox Valley Record