Bullying not limited to school, work

Bullying has become a reoccurring theme lately, an almost redundant topic, but important, especially with the Amanda Todd suicide.


It has become a reoccurring theme as of late, an almost redundant topic, but nevertheless important.

Amanda Todd is the latest victim of bullying.

Last month she created an online video about her tormented days at school and online experience, and posted it onto YouTube. The nine-minute clip is as heart wrenching as the tragedy of her short life.

Todd is one of many youth who have made national headlines recently for being harassed and bullied, before they ultimately decide that life’s not worth it – that no one would care if they were gone.

Unfortunately, bullying doesn’t end at school or work anymore.

The instant connection one has to through text messages, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and the Internet can be overwhelming.

Because the fact is, no one is perfect.

Words can be said in the heat of the moment that can be hurtful and utterly degrading. The power of a single word can boost one’s self-esteem as easily as it can damage.

Words can be shouted out during a moment of heated passion, and in that moment you’re aware that you’ve really stuck your foot into your mouth. It’s worse when it’s done online because face-to-face interaction is limited and social cues are missed.

British Columbia’s Ministry of Education has created a new initiative called ERASE that targets bullying and addresses harmful behaviour, while the NDP federal government recently announced a motion to create a national bullying prevention strategy.

That’s great, and though I support both initiatives, the root cause of bullying cannot be indicated by one cause or started (or stopped) by one person.

I’m glad that the provincial and federal governments feel this is a cause that needs to be addressed, but the onus also falls to the families – the parents, the grandparents, the aunts and uncles, the local community groups and sports teams.

Everyone has a role in raising a child.

There have been many discussions about raising an understanding child to become an engaging youth who will lead by example as an adult.

I do believe the proverb reads as, “It takes a village to raise a child.”

– Cassandra Chin is reporter for the Grand Forks Gazette

Grand Forks Gazette