Bureaucratic loopholes

An open letter to White Rock council, re: Officials differ on city-staff protection, May 17.

An open letter to White Rock council.

Re: Officials differ on city-staff protection, May 17.

The subject is a very touchy one.

Many in politics have talked, considered and written but, in the end, there are always loopholes why not to allow full disclosure of findings by an individual within the bureaucracy.

The difference is, though, that those democratically elected carry the responsibility to speak on behalf of those who elected them. Leaving it up to the bureaucracy to write their own laws is a cheap way to pass the bug, as well as avoiding this responsibility.

It is common knowledge that full disclosure by any of the three Constitutionally accepted governments is and always will be questionable, called protectionism.

The Canadian laws of today are a prime example that it does not have the wording to what it is supposed to mean, but left to courts to explain in their views what it meant to be, called “liberalism.”

So stand up and be counted and take the task you have been handed to do through election.

Suan H. Booiman, White Rock



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