Burns Night a piping success

Quesnel Legion is very busy right now with some evenings offering more than one activity

Another very active week at the branch. If you were lucky enough to get tickets to Robbie Burn’s Night that was held on Saturday you were not disappointed with this event.

The décor, the food, the entertainment, all would have made the bard proud. Good job by the Quesnel Pipes and Drums in putting this social night on.

And while we are handing out thank yous, our 2011 past chair of the meat draw, Rudy would like to thank JD Meats for their generous support.

Monies raised at the meat draw helps support the meat draw, but also helps to support the hospital visiting as well.

JD Meats was also responsible for supplying $2,300 worth of bonus draws.

It’s generosity like this that helps our Legion continue its journey to support our veterans and our community. Thank you.

To let you all know the Friday meat draws are back. They had been cancelled in favour of one set of bigger draws on Saturday but the public has spoken and this has been brought back on both Friday, 5 –  7 p.m. and then Saturday, 2 – 5 p.m.

Friday nights following the meat draw, is the ever popular Karaoke with Debbie.

This starts at 8 p.m. and is a wonderful way to spend the evening.

Bring out a group of friends and enjoy your favourite music. If you are brave enough, get up and sing a few. It’s a new year, so if this has been one of your resolutions to ‘step out of your box’ there is no time like the present.

Come on out and enjoy yourself. Who knows you may be the next “Canadian Idol” just waiting to be discovered. Can happen.

The January cold snap seems to finally be over, so it is time to get out and maybe wear some of that Christmas turkey off.

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. keenagers is offered in the hall for a mere $3.

These classes are popular and I have noticed quite a few of the patrons coming over to the lounge for coffee, which is still only $1.

There’s visiting going on and some even remain for one of Deanna’s wonderful lunches.

A nice soup and salad to complete that healthy lifestyle. Pretty good.

I noticed the keenager class was held in the lounge this Tuesday as the hall was being utilized by ‘lumber grading’ classes.

How great is that. Lumber grading – just another spectacular way our Legion is utilizing all its facilities.

But, back to fitness. If Zumba is more to your liking, then you are also in luck as Feb. 22 and 29 are both set aside to offer that class – also running, 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

If you have never tried Zumba you don’t know what you are missing. Cheryl leads a very lively and fun class filled with dance moves that she expertly manages to get everyone to follow.

She sets the class so that all levels of fitness can follow along.  Try it, you will not be sorry. Mark those dates on your calendars.

Also happening is the new and improved Legion Flea Market.  This runs Wednesday – Saturday, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Donations to the flea market can be dropped off or if you like you can call Ken at 250-747-4591 or Colleta at 250-747-6140.  New hours and new pricing will be in effect.

Check it out.

Downstairs at the Legion. New format and new ‘stuff’.

If you see lights blazing in the Legion on Thursday nights, you are right – The Dart Club is enjoying the sport in the hall and downstairs our very own Pipes and Drums are practicing.  Nice to know the branch is constantly bubbling with activity.

The Old Time Fiddlers are holding their monthly dance Feb. 4.

The admission for this night of entertainment and dancing complete with a light lunch, is only $10.

Doors open at 7 p.m. This dance is usually held in the hall, but for this night, it will be held in the lounge.

Why you ask is the Old Time Fiddler dance being held in the lounge – well – more activity – In the hall. Feb. 4,  the Dart Club will be holding its mixed doubles tournament.

If you are in the area, drop in and have a look.

These people are champions with those darts and it is always good entertainment.

Just think you could wander back and forth – watch a bit of darts – dance a few tunes to the Old Time Fiddlers.

What a great way to spend a Saturday night. Maybe learn a new sport.

Hall of Fame has scheduled its event for Feb. 18.

This is where some of our best local musicians are honoured. Quite a tribute to our best talents.

Tickets for this will be on sale soon. Stay posted for more news on this as it becomes available.

The Home Show is scheduled this year for May 11 – 13.  If you would like to rent a 10×10 booth, the cost is only $350.  Such a deal.

And, if you are a home-based business or a non-profit society the cost is $150 for a 6×6 booth.

More information and registration packages are available through the office.

This is looking like it is going to be quite a good year, so don’t delay if you would like a booth, we don’t want any disappointed people.

I will be updating weekly on this event to let you know what is happening as it occurs, so don’t even think about not reading your Legion Lines.

You may have noticed that Legion Lines is, at times, in the “Weekender” portion of the newspaper.

We are thrilled with this as this is part of the ‘free’ circulars that go out to everyone, so our readership potential is that much larger.

Thank you Cariboo Observer for your generous support.

So, beloved readers, until next week – keep a smile on your face – it works just like a facelift.

Sharon MacDonald is a member of the Quesnel Legion.


Quesnel Cariboo Observer

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