Burton Community Learning Center wins with fun winter activities

At the Burton gym, there are a number of drop-in sports you can take part in.

Have you made a promise to yourself to become more physically active in the New Year? Are you looking for an activity that is fun, gets you out of the house and makes you feel healthier? For many of us, this is the time of the year we want to honour our resolutions and promises to become more active. The Burton Community Learning Centre (BCLC) has a range of activities and programs for all ages and fitness levels. There is literally something for everyone.

At the Burton gym, there are a number of drop-in sports you can take part in.  Drop-in volleyball on Tuesday nights starts at 6:30 p.m. has always had a strong following, with several people coming down from Nakusp to play. Thursday nights at 6:30 p.m., you can join Coach Phil McMechan, “the Legend,” and shoot some hoops and play basketball.

Recently, the BCLC has added three new drop-in sports activities. Wednesday evenings (6:30 p.m.), badminton takes the court and Stuart Lethaby, our local authority on all things badminton, will provide helpful instruction to get you going. The sport with the funny name, “pickleball,” is offered on Thursday mornings at 10 a.m. It is a fun and very popular racket sport that can be played by all people of all ages. The BCLC also offers drop in ping pong or table tennis on Mondays at 10 a.m.

The Burton Community Learning Centre is very excited to announce the opening of its fitness room which has been recently equipped with a brand new elliptical machine and treadmill. This equipment was purchased through CBT Community Initiative funds. As well, there is a selection of small weights and other used fitness equipment to use. The fitness centre is open Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. until noon and Saturdays from 9:30-11:30 a.m. and  open when other programs and activities are taking place.

For older adults, the “Just for the Health of it!” program is an excellent way to improve your overall physical health and have a lot of fun. Led by physical fitness instructors Roelie Van Dam and Anne Ralston, this class will improve your balance, strength and flexibility. As well, you will participate in a 30-minute discussion on healthy living topics and brain fitness. This class is scheduled on Monday mornings from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. There are no participant fees. Thank you to the Arrow Lakes Auxiliary for their funding and support to this very popular program.

If you are looking for more of a challenge, you can take part in other instructor-led classes such as Pilates, Bellyfit or Zumba. Pilates is offered Monday mornings at 9:30 a.m. by Body in Mind Pilates and Bellyfit and Zumba are offered on Wednesday evenings at 7 p.m. by Brendalee Morgan and Nikki Weimer. The cost is $10/class.

Of course, you can always stop by, find a comfy chair and check out the Burton Library which has a large selection of books, DVDs  and other reading material.

Most recently, BCLC has received support from RDCK to purchase floor hockey equipment and additional items for the fitness centre. Stay tuned!

The BCLC society is committed to making the Burton school accessible to all residents of the Arrow Lakes. If you would like to take part in the drop in activities or fitness room, there is an annual cost per person of $50/year or $2 per drop in activity. There is no charge to students of School District 10. Only facilitator-led classes have a specific charge.

Also, if you would like to use the space for a community program, event or meeting space, please contact one of the board members for more details. If you would like to book a space at BCLC, please contact Tim Talbot at tim.woodever@gmail.com.

BCLC would like to acknowledge School Board #10 for their continued support and partnership.


Arrow Lakes News