Bus can make or break someone’s day

I am writing in hopes of convincing the Nanaimo bus system it has to be more tourist-minded.

To the Editor,

I am writing in hopes of convincing the Nanaimo bus system it has to be more tourist-minded.

Last week a Hammond Bay bus cruised past the ferry departure door without stopping and caused three very elderly seniors to rush out and wave frantically at the back of the bus. Of course the driver wasn’t looking in his rearview mirror. The passengers looked so crestfallen. I am embarrassed as a rate-paying Nanaimo resident.

Buses are unco-operative. Considering most people are foot passengers what the heck are they going to do but wait out in the rain for the next bus, which wouldn’t be until the next ferry arrives in two hours? Not accommodating enough in my mind.

Mary Lou NordstromNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin