Letter writers are not happy about the B.C. government’s changes to the disability bus pass program.

Letter writers are not happy about the B.C. government’s changes to the disability bus pass program.

Bus pass info not getting out

Changes may take those who are isolated by surprise.

Re: The B.C. government’s decision to give a $77-per-month increase to those receiving disability benefits and then claw back $52 back each month for bus pass costs.

There are many people who are isolated in homes and not on social media who still know nothing about this. We really need to get the word out to the people who will be affected most by this.

There is a rally planned for Wednesday (March 2) on the legislature lawn in Victoria. Inclusion BC started a petition and now has over 10,500 names on it.

Mary-Lou Fedora



New rules not well thought out

The provincial government recently announced seemingly arbitrary and illegal changes to the disability bus pass program.

Apparently, the government is cancelling the relatively inexpensive, convenient and simple $45-per-year disability bus pass. The changes appear arbitrary because the disability community was allegedly not contacted.

Moreover, the changes are perhaps illegal because the B.C. government is allegedly violating contract law by cancelling the $45-per-year-disability bus pass in September when the disability bus pass does not expire until Dec. 31, 2016.

Consequently, the B.C. government owes each disabled person who holds a $45-per-year year disability bus pas, a $15.50 refund for each of the four months left on the disability bus pass that disabled people will be unable to utilize.

To do otherwise is to seemingly violate contract law and the rule of law.

Linda Meyer


Surrey Now Leader