Bus service tied to city’s development

Leadership from city hall and the province is urgently needed to stop Nanaimo’s sprawl.

To the Editor,

Re: Bus service inadequate, Letters, Dec. 8.

The letter writer found Nanaimo’s transit service lacking in comparison to Victoria. What she may not be aware of is the fact that the city of Victoria itself has about the same population as does Nanaimo, but occupies only a third of the land mass. With three times the population density, public transit (and all public services such as sewer, water, police, fire, etc.) is cheaper in Victoria, hence can provide a much better service for the same investment.

Nanaimo’s visionary documents all point to correcting this situation, in part by transitioning us into sustainable, affordable transportation and by increasing our population density. Leadership from city hall and the province is urgently needed to stop Nanaimo’s sprawl and invest in our public transportation and cycling infrastructure. Such leadership is, in my opinion, lacking.

Would that we follow visionary places such as Victoria, Whistler, Vancouver and many others.

Ian GartshoreNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin