Business doesn’t support Sensible BC

All West Glass from northwestern BC says name should not have been in ad


Dear Sir:

I am writing in response to an ad run in the November 22, 2013 edition of The Northern Connector, the November 27, 2013 edition of The Terrace Standard and the November 29, 2013 edition of The Northern Connector for the Terrace Hemp Centre.

All-West Glass’s name was printed in this ad without our consent.  We do not support Sensible BC nor have we ever funded or contributed in any way to Sensible BC or the Terrace Hemp Centre.

I urge all readers to visit our facebook page and our website at to have a look at the local and provincial organizations that we do contribute to and support.

Laura Stanton, CGA,

Vice President,

AWG Northern Industries Inc.


Terrace Standard