Business licensing would not help anyone

The arguments for requiring business licenses in Clearwater are so weak as to be laughable

Editor, The Times:

The arguments for requiring business licenses in Clearwater are so weak as to be laughable. And once they’re in the cost will only keep creeping up to support the infrastructure it propagates. Any additional costs are always downloaded on to the public.

The president of the Chamber of Commerce is quoted as saying (“Clearwater business licensing draws debate,” Nov. 26 issue) that business licensing would help protect the established businesses. Protect them from what? Competition!

He was quoted to say, “You’re never going to stop the truck vendors but at least you’d have a handle on them.”

What’s so evil about truck vendors? They must be certified by the province. They hire staff. They pay taxes. They provide a service – or the public wouldn’t support them! What kind of “handle” would a business license provide?

Tipi Treats provided Canadian and international tourists with an opportunity to experience real indigenous food. Cuisine doesn’t get any more Canadian than ‘Salmon on a Bannock’! As many tourists said, ” You can get ice cream anywhere in the world but not bannock!”

David Billy Sager

Manager of Tipi Treats


Clearwater, B.C.



Clearwater Times