Businesses’ opportunity to take SBA reins arises

Sidney businesses should run for SBA executive if they want to see change

Re: Market proposals due soon (News, May 4)

I am extremely concerned that many members of our business community seem to think that their dissatisfaction with the management of the Sidney summer market by the current executive of the SBA can only be resolved through legal action, thus putting the 2012 market at risk.

However, the SBA is a democratic society with more than 200 existing members. Its next annual general meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m., Friday, May 18 at the Mary Winspear Centre.

The current president, Edward Connor, and the current treasurer, Isabel Connor, have both announced that they will not be running for re-election as either director or officer.

This means that, at the AGM, nine new directors (out of 11) will be elected and that these 11 directors will then elect the new executive of four new officers. So, by May 19, the SBA will be under totally new management.

My suggestion is that those who are so aggressively calling for new management of both the SBA and the summer market should follow my example and put their money where their mouth is and either join or renew their SBA membership immediately and then submit their name for nomination as an SBA director.

The only constraint to membership is that a member must be a business or an individual “with a business interest in the Town of Sidney” and the only constraint to standing as a director is that a member “in good standing” must submit their name in writing to the SBA office for nomination as a director by no later than 2 p.m., Friday, May 11.

Now is the time to stop squabbling amongst ourselves and to get on with the job of working together to make Sidney a better place for both businesses and residents.

Richard D.B. Talbot

Talbot Consultants

Peninsula News Review