Busy, busy

Brace yourself for a hectic time in Terrace and northwestern BC

THE NEW year of 2013 has only been here two days and already the calendar is filling up.

Due in today’s mail are property assessment notices. Once a way of determining how much of a bite the regional recession was costing locals, the math has since turned around. While assessment values shouldn’t be rigidly equated with selling prices of properties, most people will find their real estate net worth has increased.

March brings a conference connecting companies with agencies and institutions to train the people the companies need. If the northwest is truly to benefit from existing and planned industrial activity, then it starts at this conference. That’s followed by the Minerals North conference here in April.

April also marks, weather depending, the start of full on Northwest Transmission Line tower erections. The transmission line is regarded as a vital linchpin to a wave of economic activity.

Spring should also bring a formal announcement of a deal between Imperial Metals, the company developing the Red Chris copper property up Hwy37 North and BC Hydro for the former to connect to the Northwest Transmission Line.

The provincial election in May caps the first half of the year. When even the NDP grudgingly acknolwedges that public finances are in perilous shape, it’s going to be one interesting trip to the polls.


Terrace Standard