Busy, stressful month for students

Can you believe it? The holidays are already over and summer vacation is four months closer. Hopefully the break was relaxing. You’re going to need the energy to get through all of these amazing events.

Can you believe it? The holidays are already over and summer vacation is four months closer. Hopefully the break was relaxing. You’re going to need the energy to get through all of these amazing events.

Dance Showcase

From hip-hop to contemporary and everything in between, LSS dancers are ready to show you their moves. The Grade 9 – 12 dancers host a show on Jan. 20. Tickets are on sale now at LSS.

They’re $5 for students with a student card and $7 for anyone else. Remember to bring a non-perishable food item for the local food bank. Aside from the feel-good benefit you’ll get from helping those in need, each item is worth one draw ticket for various prizes.

Rec Room

If you like basketball, beach attire, prizes and pizza, the Rec Room has a bunch of activities planned just for you.

Jan. 21 includes a three-on-three basketball tournament from 6 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. Fight the winter blues, put on some summer attire (you could win some prizes) and attend the ultimate beach party at the Rec Room Jan. 28 from 6 p.m. to 9:45 p.m.

Remember, the Rec Room is open Tuesdays from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Depending on the day you attend, you could be treated to creating murals, birthday parties, cupcake making and more. Fun events are planned for every Tuesday, so head over to the Rec Room to unwind after school.

Exam Week

The not-so-fun part of high school is here for LSS students. You all knew it was coming. It’s exam week. It sounds daunting but don’t stress too much. If you start studying now things will be a lot easier when it comes to the night before a major exam. Make sure you get a decent amount of sleep, eat healthy and regularly and ask for help if you need it.

There’s a list of available tutors in the career centre and plenty of teachers and older students who would be willing to help. Check the exam schedule for dates and times. Exam week is Jan. 24-28.

Ladysmith Chronicle