Buy batteries, fight fire

To the editor;

As Fire Chief for the District of Hope Fire Department and a member of the Fire Chiefs’ Association of B.C., I have seen firsthand the dedication of volunteer firefighters and their positive impact on the lives of residents and businesses around British Columbia.

Did you know that more than 70 per cent of all firefighters in Canada are volunteers?

They might be your teacher, plumber, home builder, or community leader who gives up their own time to train and prepare for when they are called upon in desperate times of need.

The Canadian Volunteer Fire Services Association (CVFSA), a national organization created to benefit the community by maintaining and strengthening Canadian volunteer fire services, has partnered with Duracell, a company with a dedicated history of supporting fire services while promoting fire safety, to develop a campaign that calls on all Canadians to show their support for the thousands of brave men and women who go the distance to protect more than 3,000 Canadian Fire Department jurisdictions across the country whenever a fire emergency strikes.

I encourage all British Columbians to show their thanks for our Canadian volunteer firefighters by supporting the Power Those Who Protect Us campaign on now by the Canadian Volunteer Fire Services Association and Duracell.

All you have to do is buy a specially-marked pack of AA20 Duracell batteries and two batteries will be added to a donation that goes to volunteer fire departments across Canada.

Batteries might seem like a small item but, just as they power many important devices in our homes, batteries are the key power source in a variety of firefighting and lifesaving equipment. Communication device

s and life-saving equipment like flashlights, thermal imaging cameras, chemical detectors, and defibrillators are just some examples of the battery-powered tools that firefighters use to protect the communities they serve.

Thank you for your support,

Tom DeSorcy

Fire Chief

District of Hope Fire Department



Barriere Star Journal