Buy them a Sandwich instead

Editor: Attention please stop. I am a brother, nephew and cousin of some of the panhandlers in Burns Lake.


Attention please stop. I am a brother, nephew and cousin of some of the panhandlers in Burns Lake. I am asking the fellow members of this town to please, please stop giving them the money they are asking for. As all they are doing with it is drinking. By giving them money you who give them money are killing them. If the giving of money to the alcoholics does not stop I will circulate a petition to make panhandling and giving them money a crime as I said earlier you are killing them by giving them money. If you really care for them buy them a sandwich or offer to take them to a restaurant and buy them a meal but please I beg you all do not give them money any more it is killing them.

Orian LaRose


Burns Lake Lakes District News