BX Ranch Park

Resident urges Greater Vernon politicians to purchase land for park

As identified in the 2004 Greater Vernon parks and recreation master plan, Vernon suffers from a chronic shortage of parkland within the city.

The master plan recommended the acquisition of, “40 hectares for a new destination park in the North Vernon area to meet the current deficiency and future needs,” by the year 2014.

Fortunately, a historic opportunity has arisen recently to establish just such a park immediately adjacent to the city boundary, within walking distance of East Hill.

The last 166 acres of the BX Ranch is for sale, and the Greater Vernon Advisory Committee should capitalize on this rare opportunity by purchasing these lands and adding them to the current 27-acre BX Ranch Park.

Otherwise, this land likely will simply continue to be subdivided into five and 10-acre properties for the wealthy few, and the opportunity to establish such a beautiful park for current and future needs will be lost forever. That would be a shame.

An expanded BX Ranch Park has the potential to be one of the best-loved parks in the North Okanagan. The parkland addition would connect the Mutrie Road dog park to BX Ranch Park, and provide easy trail access to  the BX Creek trail system for East Hill residents.

The new park could provide numerous recreational opportunities for local residents, including hiking, playing fields, picnic sites, community gardens, and even cross country skiing in the winter.

Hopefully, GVAC can resolve its governance issues in time to capitalize on this historic, fleeting opportunity.

To learn more about this incredible parks opportunity, check out the YouTube video, BX Ranch Park.

Randy Schellenberg



Vernon Morning Star