BX-Swan Lake deserves respect

The BX-Swan Lake Community Association addresses some outstanding issues

This letter is written on behalf of the BX-Swan Lake Community Association in response to several recent public comments regarding amalgamation, proposed further annexation of properties from the electoral areas by the City of Vernon and the faulty perception that residents of these areas are freeloading at the expense of Vernon taxpayers.

1. Choice. Residents of Areas B and C have generally made an active choice to live there as we prefer a more rural lifestyle rather than an urban one. We have a variety of reasons for making this choice. In a recent survey, residents of Areas B and C soundly rejected joining the City of Vernon, opting to maintain their current status as electoral areas.

2. Taxes. Yes some of our property taxes are lower but we also receive fewer services. We do not have street lighting, sidewalks, sewer, garbage pickup or transit. Fire protection is provided by volunteers. We pay our full share for recreation, culture, policing, the hospital and school facilities. We support local events, businesses and retail outlets and volunteer for many local service organizations. In short, we are full community members.

3. Annexation. All too often in the past, annexations have benefitted the developers at the expense of city taxpayers. The annexations have contributed to urban sprawl with little regard for agricultural land or sensitive environments. Frequently, these developments only have seasonal residents whose contribution to the community is limited. As Vernon takes over more of the electoral areas, the Vernon taxpayers have to pay more taxes to maintain roads and policing costs while diminishing the electoral areas’ ability to support their own services. In the past, industries have been established within areas zones as industrial. However, the city permitted residential developments immediately adjacent to those designated zones, residents complained and the industries were forced to relocate. This has happened several times. Is this to happen again along the Swan Lake corridor where there are already long-standing rural residences? Where is the public consultation?

Please respect the choice that people in Areas B and C have made and recognize we are real community citizens.

The City of Vernon does not need more land. There is already enough vacant land within city boundaries to accommodate development for decades.

If you think your taxes are too high and rising too fast, ask your city council how much it actually costs you, the taxpayer, to annex more property.

Belinda Stewart,

BX-Swan Lake Community Association secretary


Vernon Morning Star