Bylaw change could be tough to bear

The regional district board of directors discussed extending a bylaw currently in place in Electoral Area “E” to Areas “D” and “F”

The regional district board of directors discussed the possibility of extending a bylaw currently in place in Electoral Area “E” to Areas “D” and “F” at the October 4 Environmental Committee meeting.

The bylaw would limit residents to placing their garbage at curbside only after 5 a.m. on the day of pick up – an edict that will probably not be too popular with many residents of the electoral areas affected.

The board is contemplating such a change on the evidence presented by Bear Aware coordinator Zoe Kirk, who claims that nuisance bear shootings are down from seven in 2010 to one last year.

Based on this evidence, it would appear that the bylaw does help to ease bear – human interaction, but at the same time it will represent an additional inconvenience for residents – especially seniors.

In a survey of  Kaleden, Kirk found that 17 per cent of residents curbed their garbage the night before. Obviously, there is a reason for this – most people have more time in the evening, and many retirees, after a lifetime of work, it allows the opportunity to be a little late arising in the morning.

Residents who are on the early part of the pick up route, may have to set their alarm clocks prior to sunrise in order to get their trash to the curb on time.

If the regional district determines this is the way they wish to go, a possible solution to the problem facing forced early risers might be to offer low cost bear proof garbage receptacles to local residents.

Perhaps an RDOS sponsored mass purchase could help bring the price down.


A bear proof container would allow residents the opportunity to place their garbage the night before -for if nothing else, it might spare the garbage man the wrath of an ornery resident who’s morning was rushed or spoiled by a frantic need to curb the week’s waste.



Keremeos Review