Cache Creek bus service a necessity

Letter to the editor: lamenting the cancellation of the bus from Cache Creek to Ashcroft

Dear Editor,

This is an open letter to Cache Creek council, regarding the health connections bus. What have you done to reinstate transportation for seniors from C.C. to Ashcroft?

I grew up in Cache Creek; my mother still lives there in the house she and my father built before much of the town was settled. My father served many years on the Cache Creek council and fought for many benefits you all enjoy today. Frankly, I am relieved he doesn’t know of the lack of respect and the inconsideration you have shown the seniors of your town in taking away funding for the health connections bus from Cache Creek to Ashcroft. My mother still holds her driver’s license, but I worry what will happen if one day she can not drive. Do you at all care?

While some enjoy Graffiti days/free Mothers’ Day flights/free swimming at the pool . . . what have you done for the seniors? You opt out of the only transportation that allows them to keep their independence. You voted down the funding without any referendum, and have not followed up with any other option for them to get to their doctors’ appointments, the drugstore, or full grocery services. There should be no issue of funding here – it is a basic necessity.

To the councillors who ask for votes when the election is drawing near: I would suggest you don’t bother asking any seniors for support, unless you actually plan on representing their needs.

I urge all seniors to note this issue when this council is next up for election and ask the question. “What will you do for seniors if elected?”

To those who voted for opting out of the health bus connection – you should be ashamed of yourselves. You don’t deserve the vote of any senior who lives there; and remember, you will be one yourself one day. The message you have sent to the seniors of Cache Creek is “Live here and pay taxes, but when you are too elderly or your health fails and you can no longer hold a license – move to Ashcroft!”

You are not doing what you were elected to do: represent all who pay taxes in Cache Creek.

This issue needs attention.

A. Holloway




Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal