Calling all junior roller derby girls

Gold Pain City Derby girls looking to mentor young women between the ages of 8 – 18

The Gold Pain City Derby girls, Quesnel’s own local roller derby team, has recently branched out and created the Gold Nuggets; a junior roller derby program for girls ages 8-18.

Under the leadership of Junior Roller Derby Chair, Jennifer Bird (Pixie Chick) and her husband and head ref, Tim Bird (Flip the Bird), with help and support from the GPCDGA, the Gold Nuggets started practices, Jan. 11 and registration is still open.

The Gold Nuggets offer young women ages 13-18 the opportunity to play modified contact roller derby in the Cariboo. They have opened up practices to include girls ages 8-12 as well, but they will not be permitted to scrimmage until they are old enough.

The mission of the Gold Nuggets Junior Roller Derby is to nurture bold self-confidence in young women by developing teamwork and athletic ability while valuing individuality.

The GPCDGA is very excited to be a part of this venture. As the adult team grows and the lives of the members are enriched, the idea that this opportunity for females could be opened up to the next generation sparks the team’s enthusiasm. The GPCDG have an enormous amount of fun together, while also being challenged to reach beyond limitations. A junior team provides the same experiences for our community’s young women.

Junior roller derby teams are popping up all across Canada wherever there are adult leagues. The closest junior team for the Gold Nuggets right now are the Spruce City Roller Brats in Prince George and they are eager to see the Nuggets succeed so they can scrimmage together.

The televised slanted track, cut throat, no holes barred and theatrical roller derby of the past is frequently the only vision people have when the subject is brought up. And today’s roller derby just isn’t the same game. To begin with, today’s commonly played roller derby is done on a flat track, however, there is still a theatrical element with names, make-up and costumes.It’s a legitimate sport with training, structure, referees and rules that empower females to embrace their femininity while also embracing their strength. And it doesn’t matter what your body type or skill level is, all training is provided. It brings women together, teaches them to work as a team and empowers them to reach out to their communities in a world where women are far too often pitted against one another in unkind and unfair competitions. From player to player, team to team, league to league and country to country, wonderful friendships are being made and supportive and encouraging relationships are born everyday in roller derby. 
Doesn’t that sound like a worthwhile thing to teach our young girls?
There are three-12 week sessions offered, each session is $103 plus a one time $50 fee for insurance for the year and the additional cost of gear. Practices are held on Friday nights at 5 p.m. in the École Baker gym. There is also weekly dry-land training on Mondays held at the Bouchie Lake Hall from 4 – 5:30 p.m.

For more information and registration, contact Jennifer Bird (Pixie Chick) at 250-991-8949.

– submitted by  Reani Rink Rash (Dorine Lamarche) Coach of the GPCDGA

Quesnel Cariboo Observer