Calling strong backs with trucks

Legion looking for assistance in clearing out their basement before flea market takes over.

Where to begin. The branch has been a hive of activity with lumber graders in the hall, flea market renovations downstairs and Home Show meetings all underway.

This Saturday, Ken, chair of the Flea Market, is looking for volunteers to help him, along with the cadets in hauling out items from the basement of the Legion.

So, if you have a truck you can haul items in, or if you have a strong back for lifting and carrying , then you are a valuable asset. Just meet at 9 a.m. at the Legion and you will be put to work. The flea market is going to be operating from Wednesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. If you would like to volunteer to help out once it is operational, you are most welcome.  Contact Ken or Colette for details or leave your name at the office with Wanda.

Also on Saturday, in the hall, the Dart Club is hosting a mixed doubles tournament. This is open to the public. Registration is at noon. Ten dollars gets your name put in the blind draw for partners. Games begin at 1 p.m. Even if you do not take part in this, you can always stop in and watch them.

Then you can wander across to the lounge if you like at 2 p.m. for the meat draw. Could be quite an entertaining Saturday.

Karaoke is still available every Friday night beginning at 8 p.m.  There is some talk of hosting a “So you think you can Sing’ contest. Each Legion branch would submit their top three finalists.

All of these finalists will ‘sing off’ during Billy Barker Days  and the number one singer would be decided by popular vote.

This is in its very earliest of planning stages, but if you are interested contact Al – the entertainment chair and maybe discuss more details.

Who doesn’t think they just maybe could be that next star – who knows – do you sound good singing in your shower – then give it a try – what do you have to lose?

If dancing is your thing, then the fun is set to begin again with the Valentine’s Dance scheduled for Feb. 11. The cost for this is only $15 per person with appetizers at 9 p.m.  Newcountry Touch is the host band so you know you will enjoy dancing to their sounds.

And get this,  all the ladies who attend will receive a beautiful rose. Now that’s classy.  Also, the ladies will remember when we had Ladies Night by Bijoux that one of the highlights was the huge gift basket that was raffled.

Well, you guessed it – another Bijoux gift basket is available for raffle. There were so many beautiful items in this basket that there was actually a lineup to buy tickets on it.

I hope to win it for myself – but I bet I am not alone in that thought. This evening is bound to be a huge success. Tickets are available for purchase in the lounge for this dance, but you all know that seating is limited in the lounge, so avoid disappointment and get in early and pick up your tickets.

Feb. 18, the 5th Annual Quesnel Entertainers Hall of Fame Awards Night Dinner and Dance is held in the hall. Price for this event is $25 per person.

You can enjoy a lovely dinner cooked up by none other than those wonderful LA ladies and then dance to the music of Twin Rivers.

Doors open at 6 p.m. Dinner is served at 6:30 p.m. and the stage show and awards will begin at 7:30 p.m.

This year’s inductees are Pat Kastrukoff, Arlene Loxterkamp and John Nechvolodoff. This is always a popular event so don’t delay in buying your tickets.

Feb. 25, there is a fund-raiser scheduled to help out the Burns Lake victims. If you are not aware of the disaster in Burns Lake – that community lost its lumber mill. The mill burned to the ground and unfortunately two men lost their lives in this catastrophe.

This small town is reeling – the future of their town is at stake.  There has been no decision as to whether or not the mill will be rebuilt as it will depend on the amount of wood available to determine if this is even a viable solution.

These people are devastated and this fundraiser, we hope, will help in some small way. More details will be forthcoming on this event, so don’t even think about not reading this column.

For those that are not aware your Legion has its own Facebook page.  Just go to: You will see pictures of recent events as well as information on upcoming fun stuff.

Jim, our website master, is looking for contributions by members of events that take place in and around the Legion.

If you have any pictures you think would be of some interest on our Facebook page, simply forward JPEG photos and a short description to and he will post a new album for all to see. Check it out – lots of information.

Just a reminder the general meeting is Feb. 7, 7 p.m.  Your voice is needed. There are motions to be voted on by the membership having to do with donations and monies for the Home Show.

You need to be there to be heard. Please don’t disappoint.  Besides, I hear there is free popcorn. Gotta love that.

So, until next week, play nice.

Sharon MacDonald is Legion member.


Quesnel Cariboo Observer

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