Campbell leaves B.C. a legacy of lies

Re: Clark deserves a chance to lead, Our View, March 2, 2011.

Your editorial suggesting that Christy Clarke has the ability to put Gordon Campbell behind the BC Liberal party would make some sense, except the vast majority of B.C. Liberal MLA’s sat by and did absolutely nothing while Campbell lied his way through his time as premier.

I can count on one hand the number of B.C. Liberal MLA’s who stood up against Campbell after all the lies. To name a few: Shredded health care contracts, BC Rail, the thousand-year lease that they desperately tried to keep hidden, decade long contracts and massive government property sell offs, and finally, the big lie of the HST.

Never mind Campbell originally campaigned on “open and honest government.”

Only a couple of B.C. Liberal MLA’s stood on their hind legs and did what was right for the people of British Columbia and tell it straight for the first few lies. They became independents.

That a major elected official kept lying to the public and the remaining MLA’s did nothing is not only a complete disgrace, it’s a slap in the face to every B.C. citizen.

In the end the only reason Campbell wound up stepping aside is because a few MLA’s saw a chance to become premier, and the rest saw themselves losing the next election.

No, the B.C. Liberal government won’t change until the majority of the B.C. Liberal MLA’s are changed. Until then, British Columbians will continue to have a bunch of cowards and power hungry sycophants representing them. Of course, some say the electorate gets the representation it deserves.

Michael Davey



Goldstream News Gazette