Can city afford to leave FVRD?

The E-Comm System which the Abbotsford Police Department is now using was a service originally provided by the FVRD.

The E-Comm System which the Abbotsford Police Department is now using, and according to recent newspaper reports is now costing the city $900,000 a year, was a service originally provided by the FVRD.

So, how is a complete departure from the FVRD going to be saving all of us $750,000?

What will fire department and ambulance services – in fact, all the current services provided – cost the taxpayers of Abbotsford if this path of withdrawal from the FVRD continues?

Wasn’t the recent election a more than clear indication that the people of this community don’t want more debt?

Perhaps more to the point – can the city afford it?

Myron Neville

Abbotsford News