Canada already has free choice

With so many issues to choose from, Justin Trudeau ha decided that breaking rank with theologians on basically a religious issue

Re: Freedom selectively guaranteed, Editorial (May 15)

Once again Justin Trudeau hangs himself and the Liberal Party of Canada out to dry. This time it’s abortion. The last time it was marijuana. Why would someone who aspires to be leader of one of the most stable economies in the world, and with all the international strife happening, not let his own party think freely on an issue that is basically split right down the middle? With so many issues to choose from, such as the Ukraine, the economy, pipelines, etc., Justin Trudeau has decided that breaking rank with theologians on which is basically a religious issue, is somehow going to help the Liberal Party. The fact is, Canada already has free choice. So all he did was drive away all his pro-life support.

Art Green,

Hope, B.C.

Hope Standard