Canada can’t afford another minority government

Voters are being urged to believe that another minority government would be good for Canada. I strongly disagree. Were it not for majority-led Parliaments through most of our history, Canada would be less economically advanced, and less capable of sustaining our generous programs of assistance for the elderly and disadvantaged.

Do you remember when Pierre Trudeau was elected on his “just society” mandate in 1968? The annual deficit was zero and the national debt was $11 billion. By the time Trudeau left office in 1984 the debt had mushroomed to almost $200 billion, and the annual deficit was $38 billion. This escalation of debt was triggered by a period of minority government between 1972 and 1975, when the NDP’s David Lewis held the “balance of power” in coalition with the Liberals. The truth about minority governments is that the centre-left parties extract costly tax-and-spend decisions from the governing party as a condition of support. The inevitable consequence is higher taxes, larger deficits, and spiraling debt.

Although I don’t agree with everything the Harper-led minority governments have done these past five years, I do believe that PM Stephen Harper has earned the right to form a majority government. The world is heading into increasingly dangerous times driven by diminishing supplies of oil and gas, escalating unemployment and poverty, political instability, major catastrophes, and international terrorism. To his credit, Stephen Harper has already skillfully led Canada through the greatest recession since the 1930s. He speaks and acts with dignity, and he is a person of honesty and unquestionable integrity. He does not deserve the untrue “attack-allegations” being thrown at him by his opponents.

Locally I see four “same-old” gentlemen running against two younger candidates. Voters should seriously consider one of the “two Dans” because they represent hope and promise for younger Canadians. Dan A and Dan B are both people-centered, socially responsible individuals. Personally, my vote goes to Dan Albas because I know he has a proven ability to deliver results. When I called Mr. Albas about Penticton’s wrong-headed plan to tax churches and charities, and again when I pointed out the need for a lighted crosswalk at Queen’s Park Elementary School, Dan responded immediately. Both problems were quickly resolved.

I believe Dan Albas is the best qualified to represent us in Ottawa. I know he will serve every constituent with dedication and respect.

Tom Siddon





Penticton Western News