The large crowds and noise at the Canada Day celebration at the Bill Reid Millennium Amphitheatre in Cloverdale were overwhelming for dogs, a letter writer says.

The large crowds and noise at the Canada Day celebration at the Bill Reid Millennium Amphitheatre in Cloverdale were overwhelming for dogs, a letter writer says.

Canada Day event great – but it was no place for pets

Next year, leave the dogs at home, away from the huge crowds.

Much thanks and congratulations to the City of Surrey, and all the staff, volunteers and sponsors of the Canada Day celebration, for pulling off another fabulous, fun, free, family-friendly day.  I, for one, enjoyed myself immensely.

But to all the people who ignored the “no pets” signs and managed to sneak their dogs past security, I can’t help but wonder, do you really think your dog was having fun?

In just a couple of hours, I saw three small dogs who were obviously stressed, if not terrified.

The huge crowds and cacophony of sounds were overwhelming to dogs, even laid-back Labs who love chaos and attention.

Next time, please leave your dogs at home, where they are safe, content and at peace, and don’t kid yourself that they’re happier with you.


Lawana Quest


Surrey Now Leader