Canada: Invest in nurturing citizens

While we are supposedly balancing the budget, the health of our national community is suffering

To the editor;

As I read about the funeral of Const. Daniel Woodall, I can’t help but take a long, hard look at Canada’s big social picture.

It doesn’t take a genius to see that while we are supposedly balancing the budget, the health of our national community is suffering.

More suspected criminals are being killed by police.

More police are being killed by suspected criminals.

More and more of our citizens are being incarcerated. And the rate of suicide in youth and children has climbed.

When the children and youth of a society are killing themselves, that entire society needs help.

This country has to once again start investing in the nurturing of its citizens.

Employment is hugely important but, along with getting everyone to work, we have to make sure young families and children at risk are made safe.

Too many young families are struggling. Sometimes both parents need to work and cannot afford exorbitant daycare rates.

Well-staffed, affordable daycares available to all could be a bulwark of family health in this country.

When people have nothing to lose, crime is an easy option.

Let’s fill excellent daycares and empty the jails.

Janet Michael

Kamloops, B.C.


Barriere Star Journal