Canada is not for sale

Editor: Open letter to Steven Harper and Christie Clark.


Open letter to Steven Harper and Christie Clark.

Why are you selling Canada, it’s not yours to sell. You should ask the First Nation people before you sell any Canadian land.

You promise jobs, where Canadian people are still waiting and why are you asking Chinese workers to come to Canada. Canadians are not lazy, just that there’s not jobs offered.

The mining company should have Canadians first before you sell the job to China.

And you promise houses for the homeless, if you go to each town in Canada you will see how many people are homeless. Winter is here now. What are you going to do about that?

So quit selling Canada, ask the Canadians first, oh and quit sending money to war torn countries. Money Canadians can use in Canada, I guess your next term.

With both of you it is not possible for re-election. You promise too much and showed very little to the people of Canada.

Rose Marie West


Burns Lake Lakes District News