Canadian freedoms not so slowly eroding

What seems obvious to me is that the winners of Canadian elections are being orchestrated and manipulated by the Secret Service in the US.

I think it important to stand firmly against the election antics regarding Harper’s election: What seems obvious to me is that the winners of Canadian elections are being orchestrated and manipulated by the Secret Service in the United States, just as they manipulate their own elections to get “their man” elected.

Harper is obviously working for the U$A, not for the Canadian people. He, and most other politicians, are lobbyists for the big corporations, disregarding democracy, the rule of law, and the will of the people. Canada`s government is being hijacked by the good ole USA. The privatizing of just about everything will bankrupt the country as we lose control of our social programs that have created our identity as Canadians. Our freedoms are, not so slowly, being taken away by this underhanded approach, normally referred to as Fascism

Whether Harper knew about it or not is immaterial. The facts need to be ascertained and there should be a moratorium on passing any new laws until this “robocall ” thing is figured out.

Dave Shirk

Dry Gulch


Invermere Valley Echo