Canadian Jews have right to criticize Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government

We must defend rights of minorities while maintaining intolerance for criminal impunity mafia monopolists, says letter by Robert Betts...

To the Editor:

Canadian Jews claim the right to criticize Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government. On April 22, Sid Shniad of Independent Jewish Voices wrote an article titled “Organizations across Canada oppose government effort to criminalize criticism of Israel”.

Hopefully, enforcement of such a “crime” would not include disappearance to a torture camp. Such application to Canadian Jews would be ironic in the extreme. Perhaps it only remains for the pro-Netanyahu coalition in Ottawa to point out that Canadians must obey orders at all times.

So far, the only federal party to join this chorus of voices is the Green Party, to my knowledge. Although I do not support the global warming fraud science scam, I do think Elizabeth May offers some semblance of defence of constitutional government, how ever outmoded this might seem to deception matrix believers.

If we aspire to be labelled “civilized”, we must defend the rights of all minorities while maintaining intolerance for criminal impunity mafia monopolists, whether they are street hoods or the much more dangerous traitors infiltrating governments. In my opinion, there are far too many warmonger politicians using past historical barbarism to justify future barbarism, whatever false flag they hide under. Children have no choice in whose DNA they are related to. They all should have a reasonable chance for life in a live-and-let-live environment rather than chaos based on indispensable people versus disposable people.

Robert Betts

West Creston

Creston Valley Advance