Canadian Senate scandal not a surprise

This is by far not the first time that the Prime Ministers office has misled Canadians since being re-elected

The recent Senate scandal seems to have taken a lot of Canadians by surprise.

Not so much by the action of the Senators, but by the Prime Ministers office. This is by far not the first time that the PMO has misled Canadians since being re-elected.

As Canadian Green Party leader Elizabeth May pointed out when the PMO secretly upgraded it’s tanker weather forecasting system on the West Coast at the cost of $120 million, hopefully we won’t have as many oil spills when the Conservatives triple the tanker traffic.

Then there’s the patronage appointment of Gordon Campbell for selling us out on the HST, and let’s not forget that the PMO is going to litigate against Obama and the U.S. government for not building a pipeline that nobody wants. Wonder how much that’s going to cost us?

Now, the PMO is trying to circumvent the First Nations on the Northern Gateway Pipeline.

So why Canadians are surprised at the Senate scandal, when it’s a just another day at the office, is beyond me. What else is new?

Art Green,


Hope Standard