Canadians learning effects of majority government

Canadians will find out if the Senate is a place of “second sober thought” or an extension of the sitting government

The Conservatives “Fair Election Bill” has been sent to the Senate.  Canadians will find out if the Senate is a place of “second sober thought” or an extension of the sitting government.

For Canadians following the details of the “Fair Elections Act” and heard a wide spectrum of experts, academics, opposition parties and Canadians weigh in on the problems with this bill.

It leaves me wondering if the Harper Government intentionally created the robo calling irregularities in the last election to give them the opportunity to introduce this “fair elections bill” to give them the edge to win the next election.

Canadians are learning first-hand the effects a “majority” government has on our daily lives. We are standing witness to sweeping, hasty changes through legislature without debate, without the voices of citizens who cast their vote to the Liberal, NDP or Green parties.  Many Canadian core values are left out when opposition leaders are ignored. They are the voices of Canadians who voted for them.

How many Canadians who value democracy take the time to write the Federal Government and receive no response?  I have written to the Conservative Government and receive the same response that news reporters get – no one is available.

If this is what “democracy” means to the Conservatives than this is one Canadian who wants no part of it. I hope I never see another majority government in my life time.

I see now that “power” corrupts!

Jo-Anne Berezanski

North Saanich




Peninsula News Review