Canards partisan

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

Re: Is hiking ferry fares fair? (Record, Feb. 9).

Someone is going to embarrass you about your partisan falsehood about NDP “mismanagement of the 1990s.”

If this was “mismanagement,” then what we’ve gotten from the B.C. Liberals is a total catastrophe.

Please, stick to the facts. Do your job and research easily accessible facts and stats. Enough with the partisan canards already.

Scotty Donaldson,

Denman Island

Editor’s note: There is nothing partisan about mentioning NDP mismanagement of the ferries — the Fast Cat fiasco is a matter of public record. However, Mr. Donaldson is correct about his statement that the B.C. Liberals bear their share of responsibility, which the editorial mentioned.

Comox Valley Record