Cancelled bus like kicking seniors when down

We have read with interest and a great deal of trepidation the archived report entitled Moving Kelowna Forward.

To the editor:

We have read with interest and a great deal of trepidation the archived report entitled Moving Kelowna Forward.

In that report it was stated that the #9 Shoppers Shuttle is slated for elimination. This is wrong on so many levels we hardly know where to begin.

It is highlighted in the report that Kelowna city council is “very committed to serving” the UBCO students, which we understand; however, do our seniors have to be sacrificed to accomplish this?

You are adding more buses for their convenience while eliminating the one bus (which incidentally offers limited service) that serves many of our more vulnerable citizens who are dependant on this service to maintain their dignity and independence. I wonder how our sister city in Japan feels about the way we treat our elders?

Further to the report it states that: “Lifestyle matters—whether you are young or old. And it makes good economic sense for the city to invest in infrastructure that enhances our lifestyle.” It is our understanding that Kelowna has become the retirement capital of Canada. Do you not think that they contribute to the economic growth of the community through the services they require?

Also stated is: “52 per cent of Kelowna citizens surveyed say recreation and cultural opportunities were a factor in deciding to live in one city over another.” It would be interesting to know how many seniors were included in that survey or were university/college students used as the demographic.

Recreation and cultural activities are valueless without reasonable access by seniors who incidentally do make up a large portion of our population and that base is going to increase over the coming years. Do we not want them to feel welcome in our community as well? Do our less mobile citizens not have the same right to participate and enjoy these activities also? E.g.: New senior’s center at Parkinson’s Recreation Center as well as the existing facility.

To tell these citizen’s who use the #9 bus to take the #10 is absurd as, despite the fact the increased service is often packed and unable to accommodate walkers, etc. Also that bus caters to high school students and young moms with strollers which makes it very inconvenient for older people who often have to stand because there is no seating.

You are asking them to walk further and endure a difficult situation just so you can accommodate the student population at UBCO. We find this very disrespectful when they have bent over backwards to accommodate the council and transit managers.

It is time we gave seniors the respect and honour they so greatly deserve and give them back their dignity thereby showing them we do respect them.

Finally, quoting again from the report: “Over the next few years we’ll also invest millions in projects all over the city that don’t necessarily get the headlines, but are necessary for the well-being of our residents.” Could you tell us exactly how your decision to eliminate the #9 bus is necessary for the well-being of these, predominently senior, residents who are struggling to maintain an independent lifestyle.

It seems to us you are kicking them when they are down.


David and Laura Kay,


Kelowna Capital News