A letter writer argues that while bylaws are in place to prohibit smoking at the Fraser Valley Centre in Surrey, security does little to enforce the regulations.

A letter writer argues that while bylaws are in place to prohibit smoking at the Fraser Valley Centre in Surrey, security does little to enforce the regulations.

Cancer clinic smoking out of control

I've met hundreds of chemo patients over a period of three years who have had to walk through a haze of cigarette smoke

Re: “City enters fight with cancer centre smokers,” The Leader, Dec. 13.

I was at the B.C. Cancer Agency’s Fraser Valley Centre last week. Five people were smoking outside the entrance way. As usual, hospital security said nothing to the smokers, one of which was leaning on the no-smoking sign.

Instead, they dedicated their time and effort towards getting myself and a photographer from The Leader off the grounds as quickly as possible.

I was there to tell people about the hundreds of chemo patients I have met over a period of three years who have had to walk through a haze of cigarette smoke (as I have) to get to their chemo chair – only to walk through it again after the treatment.

The only difference between three years ago and now is the smoking has increased to an out-of-control state.

If you are a concerned citizen who is sympathetic towards the patients getting to their chemo chairs without walking past the smoke, please e-mail BylawComplaint@Surrey.ca.

Nothing will be done without your support.

Even though a new bylaw has been passed by Surrey council to fine smokers, due to a manpower shortage we can expect business as usual at the cancer centre.

There is no doubt in my mind six months from now we can expect 50 to 75 people per day smoking in the same area.


Glen Morris

Surrey Now Leader