Candidate responds to inquiry suggestion

At the Oct. 24 evening council meeting, I witnessed what can only be described as a sorry excuse for a circus.

Editor: Enough is enough.

At the Oct. 24 evening council meeting, I witnessed what can only be described as a sorry excuse for a circus.  As the evening meeting was coming to a close, Councilor Grant Ward brought forward yet another attempt to drum up interest into the bottomless money pit we call the Lidstone Report.  Seemingly one would think that after Lidstone’s “witch hunt,”, an RCMP investigation, a specially assigned Crown prosecutor, a boatload of taxpayer money, and no charges being laid, we could put this matter to rest, but not with this desperate council.

Let me ask this of Councillor Ward: Have you no respect for due process, the Crown-appointed prosecutors or the taxpayers you represent?  Mayor Rick Green has long admitted his mistake in regards to this matter, now quit wasting Township resources in your last ditch effort to hold onto a council seat that you have long since worn out your welcome at.

This time around Councillor Ward is not only trying to discredit the mayor, but is also trying to drag the public into this mess with the possibility of subpoenaing confidential sources who brought to light the details of Brownshak. What a great way to destroy all confidentiality and credibility between any elected officials and the general public. Who does Ward think he is? No longer will you be able to hold a conversation with a councillor without the worry of being subpoenaed to a committee of inquiry by self-serving councillors.

Ask yourself this? What would Mayor Green have to gain from this whole fiasco besides protecting the confidentiality of certain citizens?  It has been alleged by Councillor Ward that only Green or attorney Calvin Patterson could have provided the secret envelope that appeared in Green’s office.

I ask Councillor Ward — has it ever occurred to you that as a lawyer, Patterson could have obtained the information for any of his hundreds of clients or a group of clients.  Any or all that will be protected by lawyer/client confidentiality.  Ward spoke of our local MLA, Rich Coleman, and expressed his dissatisfaction with Green.  Has everyone forgotten the HST already?

The final act of the evening came at the conclusion of the council meeting, with offensive outbursts from the audience in support of Ward’s motion, including from one mayoralty candidate who runs a strict campaign based on respect.  Where is the respect for the council chamber, the elected officials and the taxpayers now?

I ask of current councilors — where was the effort and unrelenting journey for truth when we were dealing with the Mufford overpass, the Fort Langley waterfront, the Athenry development or the extra $8 million shelled out by the taxpayers for the Langley Events Centre?

Unfortunately once again, we must bring to light the desperate dysfunction and delusional behavior brought on by this council.  In doing so we must move on from this sordid affair and look to the future.  Leave behind the current council and their closely affiliated allies, and look to a fresh new council willing to breathe new life into our community.  Let us learn from the past while moving forward to the future. Let us focus on the issues in our community such as transportation and transit, taxation and spending, community and infrastructure planning and fiscal responsibility.

I challenge all citizens to get out, get informed and vote on Nov. 19. Our community cannot sustain three more years with this grandstanding council.

Tyler de Boer,

candidate for council

Langley Times