Send your submissions to Candy Canes and Coal to

Candy Canes and Coal (Dec. 31, 2020)

A Christmas edition of our weekly collection of compliments and complaints sent in by readers

CLICK HERE to send your submissions.

  • A great big lump of coal to the City of Surrey for refusing to allow licensed cannabis dispensaries. What is the big deal? Cannabis is regulated just like alcohol and tobacco. We’re in the 21st century, so if you can’t get with the times, then by all means, go build a time machine and park it permanently in the past.
  • Coal to the province for rushing kids back into school in the midst of a serious pandemic. What a stupid idea. Shows how much they really care about teachers and students. Teachers should be given a choice to work from home. Never mind academics because kids do not need any novels about knights, queens, dragons or swords shoved down their throats. What they need is social and emotional support. Nuff said.
  • Coal to Surrey RCMP. I reported a road-rage incident and asked for something to be done about the dangerous driving. However, I am really disappointed to hear that the “RCMP can only do so much.” The officer assured us that he would update us on the case but never called us back. We tried to follow up and were ignored. No wonder no one reports any incidents in Surrey anymore! Just recently found out that the RCMP is being replaced with the Surrey Police. Hopefully we will see positive changes and trust will be restored.
  • Coal by the bucketful to Surrey Mayor Doug McCallum who continually chides delegations on questioning city staff; yet, at council meeting Dec. 21st would not let a delegation thank staff for recent outstanding events.
  • Coal to all those lined up in the massive traffic jam to Cypress Mountain. I’m glad my family is making all the sacrifices so everyone else can travel and ski. On that note, if we’re not supposed to travel outside of our community, why are all the ski hills and ski resorts even open?
  • Candy canes to all our neighbours in Cloverdale who are diligent about shovelling their walkways and driveways when it snows. Coal to you lazy neighbours who let the snow and ice accumulate, not seeming to care that your sidewalks are an accident waiting to happen.

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