Cannan: New Horizons for Seniors community-based projects

The federal government is offering funds for community-based projects that help empower seniors.

The Government of Canada is seeking applications for projects that will help Canadian seniors use their leadership abilities, skills and experience to continue to make a difference in their communities through the New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP).

NHSP community-based projects help empower seniors to share their knowledge with others and support communities by increasing their capacity to address local issues.

The call for proposals will close on Friday, July 4, 2014.

Organizations may receive up to $25,000 in grant funding for projects that address one or more of the program’s five objectives—volunteering, mentoring, expanding awareness of elder abuse, social participation and capital assistance.

For more information on the New Horizons for Seniors Program application process and eligibility, please visit

Successful Fresh Air Kelowna Cherry Blossom Triathlon

I want to thank the community organizers, sponsors and volunteers who were responsible for the first Fresh Air Kelowna Cherry Blossom Triathlon, which was held on May 4th in Kelowna. For an augural race, it was run flawlessly and the end result was a very successful and memorable event.

Special thanks to race organizers Graham Hood, Malindi Elmore and James Young for bringing together their years of racing experience and their passion for promoting fitness and fun.

Once again our great volunteers and enthusiastic supporters have made Kelowna-Lake Country a great community.

Kelowna Fire/FDM collaboration results in ground breaking emergency info sharing

Congratulations to Brian Moore, dispatch supervisor with the Kelowna Fire Department and deputy emergency program coordinator with the Central Okanagan Regional Emergency Program for his integral role in creating a ground breaking emergency information sharing system. [See story page A8.]

Triggered by his experience during the 2003 Kelowna fires, Brian collaborated with Ed Colin of FDM Vancouver to build a system which allows emergency managers and responders across the country to share real-time situational information to ensure a more efficient and effective response to natural disasters, serious accidents, crime and acts of terrorism.

The project was funded by the Canadian Safety and Security Program (CSSP), a federal program led by Defence Research and Development Canada’s Centre for Security Science (DRDC CSS) in partnership with Public Safety Canada.

Ralph Morrison’s cross country tour raises awareness about bullying

It was my pleasure to welcome Kelowna’s own Ralph Morrison to Parliament Hill on May 14th and to bring attention to his cross Canada road trip to raise awareness about the effects of bullying.

At the age of 52, through his book The Fear Inside, Ralph found the courage to tell his own story about bullying and how he overcame his fear to speak out.

Ralph is reaching out to communities, Boys and Girls Clubs, and especially troubled teens, in the hope that his experience will help those who suffer in silence to find the courage to speak out and begin to heal.

Best wishes to Ralph as he continues his cross-country journey to Victoria, B.C.  I know his three daughters must be so proud.

The passing of Aaron Dinwoodie

I was very saddened to learn of the recent passing of Aaron Dinwoodie, former Central Okanagan Regional District director, colleague and friend.

Aaron was passionate about people and local government and he had an incredible knowledge and respect for First Nations communities. We spent several years working together on various committees and enjoyed many long conversations about politics and life. I know he will be missed by his family and many friends.  Until we meet again my friend.

Kelowna Capital News