Can’t wish Oak Bay school traffic problems away

When we were part of the school, the PAC tried to tackle this subject.

Re: Paid escorts not a solution (Our View May 28).

While I don’t disagree with your editorial that children ought to be getting to school on their own without being driven, it is, regrettably, an argument that was lost many years ago.

When we moved to Oak Bay 14 years ago, our son chose to continue to ride his bike to his previous school rather than switch schools. The route took him past Willows school every day.

Without a doubt, that was the most dangerous part of his daily commute. The volume of traffic around the school – children being dropped off at the front door -– was what made it so.

When we were part of the school, the PAC tried to tackle this subject. I am told by friends that it is an issue that was discussed in the years previously as well.

Willows is no different than any other school in Oak Bay or elsewhere in the region as far as the traffic situation.

I attended the meeting that Coun. Kirby organized and concluded that if there is one approach that just may work, it is what she is trying to achieve – bringing a wide cross-section of concerned, interested, and knowledgeable people together to make it happen.

She deserves our hearty support and endorsement.

Wishing the problem would go away – or dwelling on the past – will not a make a difference.

C. Hubberstey

Oak Bay


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