A letter writer disputes the police assertion that bait cars are as responsible for much of the drop in vehicle thefts in recent years.

A letter writer disputes the police assertion that bait cars are as responsible for much of the drop in vehicle thefts in recent years.

Car theft decline not all about bait cars

The primary reason is newer anti-theft technology in cars.

An article in the April 1 Surrey-North Delta Leader states that car theft has fallen 78 per cent and “…that police are crediting the bait car program for much of that drop.”

Sorry, I simply cannot buy that assertion. Car theft has declined for a number of reasons. The bait car program may take some credit, other crime prevention programs some and the justice system none.

However, the primary reason is newer anti-theft technology in cars. Just check out the list of stolen cars and  the model year. Older Hondas and other older cars make up the majority.

So let us be honest. A provincial politician, say the Attorney General, cannot take credit for that or work it into a photo op.

I am glad car theft has declined. But please, let’s give credit proportionally where it is due.


Ross Fisher


Surrey Now Leader