Caring in our community


As I was leaving Evergreen Care Home, I held the door open for a woman trying to navigate through with her walker.


As I was leaving Evergreen Care Home on Nov. 8 after visiting my father, I held the door open for a woman trying to navigate through with her walker.

She was calling back to a construction worker by his truck, saying “Thank you Brian. Thank you Brian.” I assumed that was her grandson, but she quickly went on to say that she was lost and that young man helped her.

As I drove down Everall, I saw the worker and asked him what had happened. He told me the lady had been wandering and appeared lost.

He guessed that she must have been from the care home up the street, and proceeded to help her into his truck and drive her home.

It is wonderful to see this caring within our community, and I think Peak Construction needs to be proud of one of their workers.

Doug Klassen, Surrey



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