Case made for a new Mills Memorial Hospital in Terrace, B.C.

I urge residents to review the information from the brochure and direct your support to those decision makers and let’s make it happen.

PAMPHLET informs people of the need for a new Mills Memorial Hospital.

PAMPHLET informs people of the need for a new Mills Memorial Hospital.

Dear Sir:

Recently we all received a brochure asking for the public’s support of a new Mills Memorial Hospital. All the support agencies and advocacy committee members are behind this. Even more critical is a groundswell of support by the northwest residents.

Mills Memorial Hospital serves such a vast geographical area and the quality of care we receive is, in my opinion, outstanding. We are so fortunate to have the broad spectrum of medical staff and caregivers we do, and to retain them a new hospital is required.

As a long-time resident of Terrace I urge all residents to take the time to review the contact information from the brochure and direct your support to those decision makers and let’s make it happen.

Don Ritchey, Terrace, B.C.

(The brochure can be found here




Terrace Standard