Cash mob makes a statement

While a cash mob is not a long-term solution for Salmon Arm's economy, it is effective in one important area — awareness.

While a cash mob is not a long-term solution to the issue of purchasing locally versus going out of town, it is effective in one important area — awareness.

Often when shoppers look at the price tag, they pay little attention to the implications of their purchase. In general, one looks for the sticker with the lowest price, but we don’t always think about how a local purchase can benefit our community in returns to local pockets and the support of the city’s tax base.

Some people may complain about which business was chosen for the cash mob effort and why, but the idea has to start somewhere. It is hoped these events will continue and that the awareness it creates will spread to other establishments.

The concept of a cash mob is a visible way to support a local business, if only for one day. It is not going to be the miracle solution to keeping an operation afloat. It does, however, provide an opportunity to enlighten consumers about an increasingly important issue.

If that means people decide to purchase based on price alone, so be it. If it means consumers want to use their hard-earned dollars to serve other values, that’s fine too. At least it is an educated decision.

Where this cash mob effort can also have influence is over local government policy. The whole effort was sparked by our city choosing to send your tax dollars to Kansas. We were pleased to see Mayor Nancy Cooper join in the effort and support a council review of purchasing policies.

If our city leaders know better, then they will be able to do better.

– Salmon Arm Observer

Salmon Arm Observer