Castlegar has something to crow about, again

Editorial comment promotes the start of an annual attraction

When you’ve got your own horn you may just as well give it a toot, because, as the saying could easily go, no-one’s likely to do it for you. Get ready to sound off.

Castlegar’s got an artistic leg to stand on and it’s getting all limbered up this weekend.

Castlegar Sculpturewalk’s 2013 edition hits the streets on Saturday and what a great time it is turning out to be. Dozens of attractive and mentally stimulating pieces are about to adorn our streets and, with very few exceptions, no one has seen them before.

Here’s something unforgetable for visitors to take home with them… something synonymous with creativity and culture… now doesn’t that have a nice ring to it?

We’ve all got plenty of time to make our way around to all the locations, to check out the unique offerings by the folks whose level of talent a lot of us can only dream about possessing.

The story of our Sculpturewalk has been getting better in each of it’s mere handful of incarnations.

Here comes one of the greatest of all excuse-killers: Sculpturewalk 2013… just the tonic to use on someone the next time they say with a shrug, “there’s nothing to do!”

It’s all coming to life in front of, and beside us, all around town.

Here’s to those who are making it happen.

Castlegar News