Cat dumpers be warned

Cat dumpers be warned To the editor; The staff at the Barriere Landfill

To the editor;

We hope you will print this letter – we know the topic is “tired” but far too many folk are unaware of the reality of this behavior.

A week ago a mother cat and four nursing kittens (along with their litter box) were left to fend for themselves at our Barriere Landfill – great timing with winter coming on.  There they are in the middle of the demolition pit,  wild enough to avoid rescue.   The pile has to be pushed up, crushedand compacted often, and none of our machine operators would like to be the executioner.  Even if the cats manage to scramble away we will witness their slow and certain death by starvation.  There’s no food here, not even vermin.  Rotting garbage is buried daily,  so now we are buying time by feeding them to coax them out.  Ultimately it becomes a ‘safety’ issue and we’ll have to quit.

Here’s the deal to the owner – you can remain anonymous by coming back and being responsible for their removal, or you can run the risk of being publicly exposed and shamed.

Did I mention that we know who you are, in fact have your license plate number?  There are at least two governing authorities that we may report you to.  You’ll lose your dumping privileges (that’s not just in Barriere) and then you’ll be fined heavily by the other agency for animal cruelty.

This cowardly behavior is no longer tolerated.  We’re betting you won’t be “gutsy” enough to set this right but we’re hoping the message goes out that the “dump” is just not a good place to dispose of your unwanted pets.

In the meantime that little valiant mother cat is inspirational.  She’s certainly not going to abandon her young despite the hardships she’s been dealt.

So we’ll try to save her.

The staff at the Barriere Landfill



Barriere Star Journal