Cat licence program would raise money

I have a win-win situation for funding for the SPCA: license cats and have the SPCA monitor the program and receive the income.

To the Editor,

Re: SPCA deserves public funding, Letters, July 8.

I have a win-win situation for funding for the SPCA: license cats and have the SPCA monitor the program and receive the income.

A cat can get pregnant at four to five months of age. Cats that are not neutered or spayed should have higher licensing fees. This should reduce the amount of unwanted kittens as the responsible cat owners would get their cat fixed.

I like cats, I just feel that I have to pay to license my dogs, why shouldn’t cat owners have to license their cats? What I don’t like is roaming cats using my vegetable garden as a litter box. The fees from cat licences would offset the cost to the SPCA for housing and feeding all the unwanted cats they deal with every day.

Diane DentonNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin