Cat licenses

If the owners can't afford to have them spayed, then they shouldn't have them

We have a cat – a well-trained pet – who doesn’t bother anyone.

We are surrounded by cats and many of them are not that well behaved.

They poop in our garden, spray on our verandah, yowl at night and basically let us know they are around.

The most important thing they do is kill the birds we enjoy feeding.

I read that cats in Vernon may be licenced one day –  good, maybe then the neighborhood cats will be better behaved and poop in their own boxes, dig their owners gardens and generally behave themselves.

Most importantly their owners will get them spayed.

If the owners can’t afford to have them spayed, then they shouldn’t have them.

For some unknown reason some people believe their cats don’t like it outside.

Of course if they don’t give them a box to poop in life would get very uncomfortable.

Our cat loves it inside. She doesn’t get attacked by other cats, and she loves all the attention she gets and she doesn’t have to give birth to thousands of kittens that no-one wants.


Judy Vandergucht, Vernon



Vernon Morning Star