Catherwood petition could jeopardize climbing gym, proponents write

Ian Tomm and Fraser Sprigings ask council to hold referendum over application to annex two Catherwood properties to City of Revelstoke


We are writing to express our concern over the recent petition to block the annexation of two properties on Catherwood Road into the City of Revelstoke.

As you may be aware, we have been working on a project to bring a competition quality indoor climbing facility to Revelstoke. Last June we made a public announcement of our intentions and held a series of public meetings looking for community feedback and support. The support from Revelstoke residents and business leaders has been significant to say the least and we continue to refine our plans to bring this new business and service to our community.

Since the very first public meeting, David Evans has been an enormous supporter of our project offering his expertise and resources to help bring our project to fruition. David has offered land located at the Catherwood Road properties for the Revelstoke Climbing Centre. We have been following the annexation process with a keen interest for the obvious reason that David’s contribution of land to our project removed one of the most significant hurdles we face in seeing this new recreation facility built in Revelstoke.

We request that city council moves forward with an assent vote to allow the broader community of Revelstoke to voice its opinion on this matter.


Ian Tomm & Fraser Sprigings

Revelstoke Climbing Centre

Revelstoke Times Review