Cats find the purrrfect home

To the editor;

Re: Cowardly cat dumping, Star/Journal, April 11, 2011 issue.

The generosity of valley residents with offers to take Momma Kitty and little Jester was unexpected and pleasantly overwhelming!

Thank you so much to everyone that responded to my plea to find them homes.

It’s wonderful to know that there are so many caring people out there that were willing to help.

Please accept my apologize for the calls I couldn’t respond to, there were so many; but I want you to know they were all very much appreciated.

I guess there was at least one good thing taken from the 2003 wildfire; our ability to reach out to help our friends and neighbours.

It ‘almost’ helps take away the bad feelings I had towards the cowards that dumped these two cats to fend for themselves.

Thank you all, and kudos to the Star/Journal for allowing me to vent!

By the time you read this letter Mom and her kitten will be settling in to their new home; and best of all, they get to stay together!


Sign me ‘much happier now’

McLure, B.C.




Barriere Star Journal